Sunday, June 27, 2010

My 1st Week As A College Student

I woke up early that Monday morning, 4:40 a.m. to be specific. Partially because I was very nervous and secondly because I needed to get my birth certificated to finally get my MavCard(which I haven't used to this day). I showered, dressed and packed my school bag for my first day as a college student.
I can vaguely remember the first day of college 101. My nerves had calmed because I would be taking the class with other high school students in the program, so my memory of that specific class period isn't as vivid as I would like it to be in telling you - the reader- how it went down. I wasn't as scared for college 101 as I was for my English class. I had heard that the English teacher was going to make us think. That she did.
What I love about taking classes at a college is the amount of freedom we get from the people in charge. We get 30 minutes between classes. Not five minutes. Not six minutes. An entire half hour! Didn't find the time for a stop by the restroom? Don't worry, you can go during class, no permission needed.JUST GET UP AND GO? YES! YES! YES! YES! No more holding it until your bladder threatens to explode. You are trusted to act mature and be responsible. So just because you have an entire 30 minutes to get to class and can leave class without the professor's permission doesn't mean those privileges should be abused. Use them wisely.
The focus of my English class is autobiographies. We read them and we write them. The goal is to improve our writing. The best way to accomplish that is to write about yourself. The class is challenging for me. I know I am a good writer and I love to write. Its just something that holds me back from doing it. What is that something? It is me. Its not entirely laziness, although I do have a physical problem that interferes with how much energy I can expend throughout the day.It is also mental. I fear writing. I don't want to do it but I want to. I fear writing because that is not what I want to be good at or known for. I want to be good at basketball or dancing, not writing. I don't want to accept this gift.
My English class has helped my realize that and everything I heard about my English teacher was true. She will make you think. She will make you question what you've been taught and what you believe. She might also upset you because she asks the questions and you answer, not the traditional way of teaching but its working on me.My first week of college has helped me realize that my old habits need to die, and die as soon as possible. I am not the smartest pupil anymore, I can't wait until the day the assignment is due to work on it. I can't continue to not do my homework. Its not just school anymore, its life.Its my future.